Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Let me just share that I am having the worst freakin cramps ever!  I know, everyone really wanted to know that. Since I am only 4dpiui (days past IUI), I sincerely doubt it is anything to get excited about (like, say....oh....implantation cramps) but DA**.  If it is like this each cycle, I am not sure I can do it again.  I am talking doubled over in the middle of a sentence cramps.  PLUS- no advil/ibuprofen so I am just going through it.  Ugh.  
There really is no other news, other than the wonderful mood swings and hot flashes still in full effect!! Plus my super positive attitude...
But on a good note, I found an IF blog who wore socks from Little Miss Matched to her IUI and it was the cutest idea EVER so I promptly ordered myself some stars and some polka dots!  When I told J he said, Uh- those are for little kids.  Men!  Anyways, can't wait for those to arrive, at least something in this whole process is fun!!  


  1. Jen - Have I ever showed your I donated socks to them last year because I thought that was the CUTEST IDEA EVER. Or if you want, I will totally send you a pair of cute, lucky starts. I'll sprinkle pregnant dust on them and say a prayer!

    Anyway, I'm thinking about you! Hope you start feeling better! Pickle smite those cramps.

  2. hope your IUI is sucessful. I wore crazy socks to my IUI too, and it definitely helped. I wrote about it about 3 days ago.

  3. Hey lady, thanks for the words of encouragement on my blog...I see your in Wichita too!! I was going to tell you I met someone on here who wore cute crazy socks for her IUI too, but I see she already beat me to it (jrs), she's hilarious you must read her party in the boots blog! Anyway LOVE the crazy socks idea, you are exactly right we have to have fun where we can in this process!
